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Old 01-08-2023, 05:13 PM
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Originally Posted by parkplace33 View Post
In the last 3 months, three different vintage collectors (including one I know personally) have had issues reholdering their cards with PSA. Each story is a bit unique but here is the gist:

Collector has a higher dollar vintage PSA card they want reholdered. They do not want it reviewed, only reholdered. The original slabs are not damaged nor tampered with.

Collector sends the card to PSA. Collector gets the card back in a new holder but it is now a lower PSA grade. Collector is not offered monetary value for the lower grade. Of course, all three collectors are not happy.

Has any net54 members had similar experiences? With these recent issues, I would be leery of sending a card back for reholder.
I will be one of the last people to defend PSA but I would need more info on the 3 examples before I commented. Having said that, it always worried me if PSA voluntarily received a review or reholder order and they notice the card is altered, if they wanted to pass the buck onto the owner, they could just claim the holder was compromised and take the card off the market without having to buy it back.

Anyway, something is not adding me. Maybe it is the lack of detail and vagueness of your post but also could be the way you worded something in the post: "They do not want it reviewed, only reholdered."

Anyone who does reholders knows that service does not include reviews of the grade or card unless PSA claims the holder was compromised so the the better way to have written that statement would have been, "The cards were sent in for reholder service but while there they reviewed the cards too." Might be semantics but what I wrote conveys a different sentiment than what you wrote.
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