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Old 01-31-2023, 01:36 AM
BobC BobC is offline
Bob C.
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Ohio
Posts: 3,276

It can go different ways. When I was a kid, I lived on a somewhat rural, two-lane street that had no sidewalks. In fact, the entire village I lived in didn't have a single sidewalk. So when I got on my bike to ride over to see a friend, I'd often get some a$$hole drivers coming up behind me and yelling or honking their horns at me. For whatever reason, many of these supposed smart, intelligent, adult drivers would yell at me I was on the wrong side of the street and was supposed to be riding my bike facing towards them, not with them going the same direction. I realized at a somewhat young age how stupid many people, especially so-called adults, could be that didn't even know you ride a bike going along with traffic when there is no sidewalk, and walk on the side of the road facing traffic, when there is no sidewalk. I quickly figured out they were all just a$$holes who were pissed that they had to slow down because it was only a two-lane road with some hills and curves, so they couldn't just breeze by me like they wanted without slowing down and being careful.

Not much seems to have changed with regard to the overall intelligence of many adults yet today!

As for as some mentioned, issues with kids riding e-bikes in urban areas, especially when they can go 20-30 MPH, the first and biggest problem is with the parents. They should be the ones initially and primarily responsible for teaching their kids how to ride safely, what the rules/laws are and that they need to be obeyed, and make sure they aren't allowing young kids the ability to get on e-bikes like that that can go as fast as cars. WTF are these parents thinking, or wait......that's it, they aren't thinking!!! Just another instance of technology being great.....until it isn't. If anything, I would say kids should be entirely banned from even being able to ride e-bikes, especially in populated urban areas until they have reached a certain age, AND have received and passed specific training and testing. If anything, keep them riding regular bicycles for as long as possible. That way at least they might finally start getting some exercise and the child obesity issues in the U.S. may at least start to be addressed. If some kid isn't big/old enough to be able to continuously peddle a bike at 20-30 MPH, they sure as hell shouldn't just be able to get on an e-bike instead that can go that fast and put them, and others, in danger.

As for the OP that has health issues, and is getting harassed by elitist bikers, see if you can identify any of them, and/or maybe try to use your cell phone to video their actions, and then go to the authorities and report the harassment and terrorizing activities. I believe those trails you're talking about are likely public lands, so those bikers most certainly do not have any sort of special privilege or right to those trails over anyone else. Or maybe even first go to the authorities in charge and ask them what you should do when harassed and terrorized like that. Hopefully they will give you some advice other than just to ignore them, as that is them simply being lazy and not doing their job to make such trails and parks are safe and accessible to ALL citizens/taxpayers looking to enjoy them. And if they do turn out to be worthless as far as offering any advice or assistance, I'd contact this state legislator who is sponsoring the bill to pass the use of these e-bikes throughout the state, and inform him of the harassment you and others receive from bicyclists. Perhaps along with the new e-bike laws, they can pass some legislation formally making it illegal to discriminate and harass and terrorize people on e-bikes as well.

Sadly, if they did do that though, we both know it would only be a matter of time before some self-entitled, a$$hole e-biker would start acting as badly, or even worse, than these elitist bicyclists you've had to deal with. And when someone then tried to get them to stop, they'd immediately cry victim, try to get people arrested, and of course, sue for a big payday. That seems to be the American way anymore!
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