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Old 02-01-2023, 12:56 AM
isiahfan isiahfan is offline
Join Date: Jul 2020
Posts: 392

Originally Posted by Exhibitman View Post

One last point: while you may pat yourself on the back for telling the walk-in to "maybe not just talk to REA, right in front of the REA rep", if you'd done that to me at a show I would have asked the promoter to throw you out. It is called "intentional interference with prospective advantage" and it is actually grounds for a lawsuit. People who set up at shows pay substantial sums to transact and walking up and suggesting that people dealing with them go elsewhere is tortious interference and bad card show etiquette, IMO. How would you feel if you were set up and some know it all came over and started telling your customers to go elsewhere? Not cool. As Guido the Killer Pimp said:

Interesting last take as you seem to be a proponent of random attendees of shows to hitting up customers before they get in??....isn't that also "intentional interference with prospective advantage" seeing that the dealers paying for their tables paid for that right?...if not technically I would still call that poor form and I don't think many show runners or dealers would appreciate that either. I as well have run shows...and I wouldn't stand for that either.
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