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Old 02-13-2023, 08:29 AM
packs packs is online now
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Why do you assume the criticism is about whether or not you're intelligent enough to get an ID? That's not why people don't like voter ID requirements. Something like a driver's license costs money to acquire. A passport costs money to acquire. As you raise the bar for the kind of ID needed, you're raising the cost as well. There are people who can't pay for an ID. In the state of NY renewing your license costs $64.50.

It is true that most states offer some form of free identification, but not all forms of ID are accepted for all things, even when you think they would be. I can't take a domestic flight with my current NY state issued license. I have to show my passport to get on domestic flights because my current state issued ID is not considered secure enough to fly with.

My voter registration card, which I received upon registration when I turned 18, does not have a photo of myself on it or any other personally identifying information. It's my name and my address. This should be the only documentation needed to vote. It did not come at a cost and registering for it was the only thing I was required to do in order to vote. Having a driver's license doesn't entitle you to vote.

Last edited by packs; 02-13-2023 at 08:56 AM.
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