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Old 02-13-2023, 09:14 AM
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Cliff Bowman Cliff Bowman is offline
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Originally Posted by packs View Post
Why do you assume the criticism is about whether or not you're intelligent enough to get an ID? That's not why people don't like voter ID requirements. Something like a driver's license costs money to acquire. A passport costs money to acquire. As you raise the bar for the kind of ID needed, you're raising the cost as well. There are people who can't pay for an ID. In the state of NY renewing your license costs $64.50.
Republicans have tried several times to pass legislation for voters to have a FREE, I’ll repeat, FREE, voter card that will be issued by the government to all potential LEGAL voters. Democrats of course block it every time.
“interesting to some absolute garbage to others.” —- “Error cards and variations are for morons, IMHO.”
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