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Old 02-14-2023, 06:26 PM
Carter08 Carter08 is offline
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Originally Posted by G1911 View Post
They are very literally the legal guidelines. I am still struggling to find the clause you think is too vague.

Your post is quoted right before the comment. I will quote again: "And it is that lack of specificity that is causing local schools to over-react and pull things off the shelves that rational people can agree should be there". I don't know what this is in reference too, because the books in this thread were not pulled off the shelves or banned. Again, nobody can cite any evidence these books have. What Jackie Robinson book has been pulled from the shelves? The one claimed in this thread turned out to be easily debunked fake news.

It does not allow hecklers or gunny ass parents to veto any curriculum whatsoever. I'm confident you are well aware of this now that you have read it.

The law specifically protects a recitation of facts, or even of opinions. Advocacy is very different, and I am sure one can find an edge case, but this is taking it to ab absurdist level where we pretend the two things mean the same. They do not.

What dancing? It's fine to say Bull Connor was white. It's fine to say Bull Connor was a racist. It's fine to say Bull Connor was a white supremacist. None of what you said is impacted by this bill. You just can't say, again, "Bull Connor was a white supremacist because he was white", or any other person of any race. It only bans advocating racism, that a person is X, Y, Z because of their skin color.

I think what a bill actually, in real actual fact, does is far more important than the often factually wrong and absurdist ideological statements made around it by any faction.

Don't disagree. It's a stunt. It seems to be working for him as he's getting the exact reaction intended, where the media does its thing and openly lies about the bill, which he then gets to spin to his base as more confirmation of their existing beliefs.

This has nothing to do with the actual bill. It does not at all mandate anyone to teach that we have achieved a color-blind society; it says you can't advocate racism in 8 specific ways it delineates, against any race. It then requires instruction in the history and achievement of multiple minority groups. I have said nothing that could possibly be construed as believing or promoting the belief that the US is color-blind.

Yes, I am talking about the actual bill and not peoples fantasies. The law is the actual text, not what people feel or what people claim or what people think their political enemies might claim. Reality of the law > political narratives of that law that are not in the law in actual fact. I cannot fathom why anyone would put culture war points over actual fact. I do not understand why people have adopted such a tribalist mentality that they must attack or make false claims about anything anyone outside of their political tribe has passed, even before reading it, and will put their 'side' over reason. A person should use reason, not conspiracy theories of abuse they or op-ed writers of similar political leaning have imagined in their head and have nothing to do with the law and are not actually enabled by it. People always have the choice to use the great gift of reason, of stepping back and looking at actual fact instead of political narratives. These are minority views that I have.
Florida is a rare state that has a superplex of republican control of the government - governor, both houses, most major offices. They pass what you think is a benign law regarding the content of books. The governor has presidential aspirations. Whether he would make a good or bad president I don’t know but to think this isn’t meant to cater to right leaning thinking in Florida and nationwide is naive. The banning of a Clemente book headline is what this was designed to do and it will increase his base support.
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