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Old 03-02-2023, 06:26 PM
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Originally Posted by irv View Post
Yes, not denying that but like I wrote above, how do you think the U.S. would react if China, even without the help of NATO, placed military bases and missle silo's along the U.S. border?
If the purpose was first strike, we wouldn't like it. If the purpose was defensive, like air defense systems, it wouldn't matter since the USA does not reserve the right to invade Mexico.

NATO is a defensive organization. Proof of that is that NATO hasn't sent troops or air forces into combat. They have only provided munitions for Ukraine to defend their own territory. If NATO was an aggressive force, they'd be flying sorties over Moscow daily.

Originally Posted by irv View Post
Those other things you wrote, Mark, are straight out of the MSM feeds. The oldest trick in the book to make Putin and Russia look a bunch of barbarians to drum up support and dwell up sympathy for Ukraine.
Are you saying Russia is NOT bombing hospitals, schools, and other civilians targets like power plants? Because Putin himself is bragging about making life as miserable as possible on Ukrainian civilians.

Look, I agree with you about the mismanagement of the Covid situation, beginning with its origin. But the MSM is not ALWAYS wrong. When Putin himself brags about the devastation his army is wreaking on Ukraine, it seems like quite a stretch to say that all the many various news outlets are wrong when they report on it.

Originally Posted by irv View Post
Watch the vid I posted earlier/yesterday/whenever about Ukraine. It should be an eye opener. Azov Nazi's are a large part of Zelenskyy's army/support groups. They have been torturing/killing citizens in the eastern parts of Ukraine for years now.
How familiar are you with Wagner and its origins? It seems a bit ridiculous to say Putin is sending Wagner into Ukraine because he is so outraged with "Nazis." To Russia, de-Nazification is just another term for killing people and stealing their land.

Originally Posted by irv View Post
This NBC journalist is now on a Ukrainian Nazis hit list all because he questioned some Russian citizens in Crimea about Ukraine and Ukraine govt (Zelenskyy/the Nazi's) didn't like it. Real fine caring people over there.
Russians who speak out against Putin and his regime are plummeting and splatting by the dozens, and that is fact. Actually happening. But you're more concerned with an alleged threat to one person.

So, my question to you is this: Do you believe Russia has been deliberately bombing civilian targets in Ukraine, as Putin says?
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