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Old 03-03-2023, 08:17 PM
BobC BobC is offline
Bob C.
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Ohio
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Don't disagree with anyone's points and opinions. The worst thing that got to me was how many more games that Davis played, and the fact that he got to play a full 5 years of college basketball. Maravich, like most other basketball players back then, did not get to play as a freshman at all on the collegiate varsity team. And despite Maravich's team not doing very well his first two varsity seasons, they did end up 22-10 his senior year, 2nd place in the SEC, and a 4th place finish in the NIT. Maravich's senior year was the only season he got into any post season play.

Meanwhile, Davis got to add a 5th year of playing due to a ONE-TIME rule change/exception granted by the NCAA due to the Covid restrictions in place during the 20-21 season. While the exception was to make up for games not played during the height of the Covid pandemic, it is interesting in that Detroit Mercy still played in 22 games that season. That does not sound like much of a "lost season" to me. Also, the college itself had to agree to the extra year for qualifying athletes. Want to guess how Davis being the head coach's son likely factored into Detroit Mercy making that decision?

The other ridiculous factor in all this is that even though Detroit Mercy did not make the NCAA or NIT tournaments, they can still play in a pay-for-play tournament I never even heard of before this called the College Basketball Invitational (CBI). But you have to be invited, oh, and then the college has to agree to pay a $27,500 entrance fee. How in the hell does this qualify as a legit Division I college tournament? And as this kid's Dad is the head basketball coach, and the group that runs this tournament would likely die for the possible attention this kid playing in this largely unknown and obscure tournament would bring, anyone want to bet how hard these parties may try to get this kid the one more game he needs to get 4 more points and claim the college all-time scoring record?

I hear those of you that say it is a nothing record to you, and that you don't care. (Which begs the question of why you even bothered reading the thread in the first place then, let alone posting in it.) But fine, it still seems utterly ridiculous to be able to use games in some pay-for-play obscure tournament to be able to set a record that shouldn't be getting challenged at all in the first place, because of not some permanent rule change, but a one-time fluke rule exception that saw this kid lose maybe 8-9 games in the 20-21 Covid shortened season, and get to replace those missed games with a full 33 game season this year. And maybe even some more games for this year if Daddy can get the school to buy into this CBI tournament for his kid. As I already said, whoever is putting on and sponsoring this tournament, and possibly looking for more on airtime and promotion/hype, you know they're going to want this kid to play and set the all-time record during their tournament.

And let's be honest, if this kid was really that good at basketball, he would've been pulled into the NBA draft long before now. This is more like a side-show stunt than anything else at this point IMO.
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