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Old 03-04-2023, 10:21 AM
BobC BobC is offline
Bob C.
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Ohio
Posts: 3,276

Interesting, and actually maybe a great day. Somebody finally runs out of something to say about one issue in one thread, so they now have to resort to bringing up crap they already spewed about something else in another thread about a different topic, just so they can keep talking about something and keep their narrative going somehow. What a joke they can be. ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!

I was actually looking forward to seeing what kind of garbage some people would now come up with to dispute that Russia's Foreign Minister got laughed at by a entire crowd of international representatives at a G20 conference. I wondered how the resident "spin doctors" would try and spin this one to somehow blame the corrupt and government/power controlled U.S. media for making up just another fake news story about this, specially seeing as how the media for pretty much the entire world was on hand for this, not just the U.S. media, and yet they all seem to be seeing the same thing. Well, except maybe the people from the Russian and Chinese media maybe. LOL They'll probably try to spin it as the disrespectful actions of the Western world trying to assert their influence over everyone else, instead of the natural reactions of people. Like when you hear something absolutely ridiculous and stupidly insane that makes you spit out your coffee when you hear it because you can't help but laugh at loud. That sounds exactly like what the reaction of the crowd was to what the Russian Foreign Minister had to say. Hey, maybe that is the problem in everyone dealing with all this crap that is going on. Instead of confrontation and throwing angry words and threats back and forth, maybe we should all just start laughing uncontrollably at all these aggressors and the garbage and lies they spew about everyone else. If the bullies of the world won't back down from others standing up against them, maybe laughing them off the world stage will have a better impact and effect. Embarrass them enough to the point everyone knows what a joke they are, and maybe they'll finally start to shut up and go away. If nothing else, it is worth a try, right? It you can't force or influence them to back off, embarrass the heck out of them and maybe they'll finally back down to stop people from constantly laughing at them.
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