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Old 03-05-2023, 10:26 AM
G1911 G1911 is offline McCl.@y
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Originally Posted by irv View Post
Well, some might have me mislabeled, including you, but, tbh, prior to this, I pretty much followed along too.

To me, however, this one was a no brainer that something was up, something just wasn't right.
First and foremost, (but not in any particular order) and not to continually repeat myself, it was a first time ever used, rushed through, experimental drug, for EUA only. That was flag #1.
Secondly, when in our lifetimes have we ever seen a vaccine/drug ever pushed on the people of the world like this one?
Event 201, Fauci stating Trump will experience a pandemic during his tenure, Dems stating they will not take the Trump vaccine then completely flipflopping then advocating them, pushing them as soon as Joe became President.
I could go on and on here but I haven't the energy nor the gumption/time currently but for those interested (I highly doubt it) my thoughts are spread throughout those other threads.

Not once have I claimed to be an intelligent person in these threads (there are many I don't hold a candle too, imo) but to me, which I am still struggling with, is how many didn't see these things, or if they did, despite them, freely took them anyways?

I don't necessarily blame nor mock anyone who did take the vaccines as they were tricked, lied to "sold" on them, peddled to them, used to coerce them, etc, but regarding those that still push and advocate them today, that is where it ends.
In my opinion, as there are zero excuse anymore not to see the things that have now come to light, are right before their eyes, those that still do, are in denial or suffer some kind of mental ailment.
Just to be clear, I was speaking of the Ivermectin issue, where we disagree. I don't mean to mislabel your position, but my understanding is that I have no clue if it is good or not for this as there has not been honest testing of the hypothesis, whereas you believe that it is directly good.

We also disagree on the vaccine, I think. I am lumped into your camp on it because I am against it being mandatory and can see the data that it has little impact on the majority of the population and it undeniably does not do what it was said to do at all. It isn't an actual vaccine. I do think the data suggests it does have a small help in outcomes for people in the at-risk groups. I don't think the vaccine was malevolent and I have not seen compelling evidence that it is generally bad for ones health, beyond the normal that a very small number of people may have side affects. I understand your position to be that it is both malevolent and that it is damaging to ones health. We did agree on lockdowns.

I think we've actually disagreed in as many threads of this nature as we've agreed (we're lumped into one side because our positions do not reflect the approved narrative, and that is all that matters to the ideologues - you agree or disagree with the tribe, that is the end of labels); my criteria is a testing of premises and hypotheses while yours, I gather, is to distrust a claim from institutions. I have always appreciated that we have politely disagreed on some things and agreed on others (like the gun issue, and lockdowns). They struggle to do anything but the ad hominem, which I have never once got from you, the only active person in all these threads I would describe as actually conservative. I do get some amusement from the tantrums you elicit from them by presenting a similar reasoning (rooted in who made a claim), but just the inverse view.

My claim is to stupidity and ignorance. Recognizing a contradiction or applying the Aristotelian is not a sign of intelligence beyond a most basic, daily functioning form. I would say an intelligent man is one who comes to original conclusion or knowledge that survive critical examination and are reasoned. I see no sign of one hereabouts
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