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Old 04-22-2023, 07:35 AM
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Ben North
Join Date: Jun 2013
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Originally Posted by homerunhitter View Post
Had an interesting but eye opening conversation at the local card shop with some of the fellas and the question was being discussed between some of the guys buying/looking at cards. The question was: How often do you look at your collection? It made me think for a minute as it came at a time that I just found a box of cards I had in the closet that I forgot I had and havent seen in "years".

It feels like Ill buy an autograph on ebay and once I get it, I put it in an album/box, then go on ebay, buy another autograph for my "PC" then when I get it, I put it in an album/box and then keep repeating the process. but it seems like once I "store" them away, I wont look at them for "years" it seems. anyone else do the same or do the same?

then my brain starts thinking, well if your just going to but them and put them away not looking at them often, why even buy them in the first place! yes, going down THAT rabbit hole!
I am not an autograph collector but I believe this is a great overall question. When I buy something I will look at it a lot for maybe a month. Then it gets put away to be rarely seen again. I have a room full of stuff I had to have that I haven't looked at in over a decade in many cases.

Coming to the realization that the above is beyond silly since I am a collector and not a seller. It has made me change my focus a lot. Well that and a fellow member always sending me pictures of his beyond amazing bat collection. So I have more focused on bats because I have made a display that my amazing wife lets me put in our living room. Now I can look at them any time and actually enjoy what I collect. I have found it way better than a room full of stuff I rarely enter.
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