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Old 05-30-2023, 10:24 PM
BobC BobC is offline
Bob C.
Join Date: Apr 2009
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Originally Posted by Peter_Spaeth View Post
Not to defend steroids, but every generation tries for an edge in whatever way it can. Maybe by the 80s that edge was higher tech, and I get the difference between no official ban on greenies and an eventual ban on steroids, but it seems a bit inconsistent to worship Mays and vilify Bonds, for example. I agree there's some heavy nostalgia bias there.
Hey, like I also alluded to, "If you ain't cheating, you ain't trying! Typical male-dominated, uber-competitive, testosterone heavy thinking and expectations. And again, why it seems weird when just a couple or so players get caught cheating, they are often regaled and revered for doing so and trying so hard to win. But when a lot/most of the players do such cheating, the reaction and fan sentiment is more often the exact opposite. Go figure.

I always think back to the time Albert Belle got caught with a corked bat, and one of his teammates actually climbed through the false ceiling and broke into the umpire's dressing room to swap it out for a clean one. Instead of being vilified for doing all that, Belle and his teammate are almost looked upon as sort of revered folk heroes in some areas whenever that story comes up. Yet, whenever talk of Belle's HOF aspirations comes up, it isn't the cheating that is considered the reason he's not getting in. It's the injury shortened career, along with his other not so normal/acceptable actions and stunts, like chasing down trick-or-treating kids with his SUV for egging his house, among other not so great things.
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