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Old 06-05-2023, 08:39 PM
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camaro69 camaro69 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2016
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Originally Posted by Joeybats View Post

Are these recent acquisitions or just part of your personal collection?
No they are all recent pickups. The graded cards I just got on Sunday.As you can see by my post it is within a
few days of picking them up. I really do not have a PC collection except for my Scottie Upshall collection.It is
massive and I never trade or sell anything from it. Just keep adding to it.In most cases everything that is not
Scottie Upshall is for trade toward my vintage non sport needs. I love to build sets and I have about 10
non sport sets on the go that I would love to put to bed. I do not like selling anything unless it is in person.
As we all know, there does not seem to be any two people with the same idea on what condition a card
is in. So in person that is taken care of.If yo see a card I have and would like to have it., Then we discuss
condition, value. Once we agree and you leave me your cash and you leave with your new purchase then
the deal is done.Not so easy on the internet. Back and fort with someone 4000 miles away is not how I
want to do a deal. Sorry about this long response. The short answer should have been.All are recent pickups.Thanks.

2003-04 Parkhurst Rookies "Road to the NHL" Emblem
2002-03 SPX multi colored rookie
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