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Old 06-21-2023, 10:48 PM
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Duluth Eskimo Duluth Eskimo is offline
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Originally Posted by Hankphenom View Post
To each his own, but I'd guess the error rate on PSA or other major TPA autographs to be miniscule, and I mean practically infinitesimal compared to the volume of pieces they look at--I don't know, 1/10,000, 1/100,000, 1/million, you take your own wild guess. And even the few bad ones in a major TPA slab will always be regarded as good by the marketplace. So I'm not sure what makes you so afraid of them, but just imagine if they didn't exist!
This is a ridiculous statement. One in 10,000 to one in a million? Are you kidding me. They make mistakes on every large order that goes to them. You’re making these statements because you’re friends with Kevin Keating. You have said so in the past many times. They are failing items at a ridiculous rate in the past couple of years. Anyone who is doing business sees this every order.
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