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Old 06-28-2023, 11:58 AM
brian1961 brian1961 is offline
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Originally Posted by packs View Post
I just feel like the criticisms are out of whack. Judge hit 62 homers and his OPS+ was 212. He was twice as good as the average player in the league.
As someone else put it, Aaron hustled with all his might to get that ball in LA, and got it! In more ways than one, unfortunately. I've read Dodger management is going to take care of that short, but deadly, concrete embankment. Freak injury, but he wasn't showboating or lolly-gagging around out there.

Now here come some snarky comments, a la "I KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN!"

I am just very proud of the Yankee organization for taking all the time that is necessary for Aaron to recovery properly. Remember too, he carries 282 pounds on those toes of his, a lot more than your average athlete. It WILL take awhile, like it or not. The Yanks gotta take care of their investment, regardless if he's out for the rest of 2023.

Big deal, compared to rushing him, coaxing him, or browbeating him into just being the DH.

Remember what happened to the great Dizzy Dean during and after the 1937 All-Star Game? Sadly, 'nuf said.

When Aaron Judge recovers completely, and is able to don the pinstripes once again, and do what he does so well, that will be a great day for him, and the rest of us.

Until then, keep him in your prayers. ---Brian Powell

Last edited by brian1961; 06-28-2023 at 12:00 PM.
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