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Old 07-22-2023, 09:08 PM
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Originally Posted by irv View Post
Holy eff, dude, you have things so screwed up it isn't even funny.
Bringing Hitler into it LOL. Show me where in my other posts I've supported Hitler and not slammed him nor Zelensky and Ukraine for having Azov Nazi's.

Now answer my questions. Did you watch those vids, and do you think the U.S. should just sit idly by if China installed missile basis along the Mex/U.S. border?
No, I saw your video was 44 minutes in length, so I spared myself. I don't care about Zelensky. I believe Putin, like Hitler before him, needs to be stopped. The war is the big picture, Zelensky is a side note.

I'm glad you seem to be anti-Hitler. I'll let you try to rationalize away all the similarities between him and what Putin is currently doing, including to his own people who dare speak up against him.

If China installed missile bases in Mexico, I would NOT support the US pre-emptively invading Mexico, stealing (annexing) Mexican land, kidnapping Mexican children, bombing Mexican cities, schools, hospitals, and mining their roads, farm fields, and open areas. I would NOT support the US blowing up Mexican power grid facilities like electric and hydro plants, or torturing their soldiers and civilians.

Is that clear?
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