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Old 09-09-2023, 05:23 PM
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David M.
Join Date: May 2009
Location: S. California
Posts: 2,883
Default Some People Will Collect Anything

I'm going to walk out on this limb and I'll see if it gets sawed off. I collect CDs. There I said it. I sometimes feel like the only one that still wants them, but I'm starting to see some people on YouTube that are also admitting to collecting them.

I wish I could be one of those cool and hip people that collect records. I do have records, maybe 50, but I more actively collect CDs. I just wish that someone would write a definitive guide and maybe include prices for the rarer CDs. There have been some collecting books written on CDs in the past. I know, because I've bought several of them, and they have been very helpful. They are good for general information about the CDs history and so on. But what I'd really like to see is much more information about the rare pressings, what rare numbering around the inner ring to look for, that sort of thing. You know, the kind of information they've been printing about records for years.

When they started selling CDs at the thrift stores for a dollar or two, it made CDs seem like an incredible bargain. My kids had paid $1 for a single song to put on their portables or computer, only to lose them all when the computer or portable quit working. I wanted something I owned that I wouldn't keep getting charged for, and that I could listen to when I wanted. Did you know that there's no legal “right” to copy the copyrighted music on a CD onto another media? You legally must own the physical CD.

So I collect something that most people seem to think is stupid, but I remember when I started collecting baseball cards and got the same reaction.
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