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Old 10-01-2023, 09:17 AM
Powell Powell is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 130

Originally Posted by Aaron Seefeldt View Post
My position is that since the set lot closed and they involved every card and I could not bid again if I wanted to the cards were sold to me and the subsequent bids on individual lots were a nullity. The virtual hammer went down and the lots were sold. This is a strong case by itself.

Astute members of the board observed that the set price was higher than the sum of the individual lots when the set closed. This clinches it as there is no reasonable counter-position.

I have confidence that Chris, Derek and Dan whom I have worked with on many occasions will do the right thing and declare the set the winner, which I have no intention of selling and will display them publicly for the world to see and keep this great story alive for many years.

I have a 14 BG Jackson and Herzog, which I had no plans of selling but will sell them to the individual bidders with a discount for the Jackson as it’s not as nice if they wish and do my part to make lemonade out of lemons.
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