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Old 10-23-2023, 01:39 PM
ClementeFanOh ClementeFanOh is online now
Join Date: Jul 2017
Location: Ohio
Posts: 1,045
Default ARod

1911- I vaguely recall you making idiotic remarks about me in a deliberate
misrepresentation of what I said. But, that essentially describes every
interaction you have, where someone doesn't mindlessly accept your
manifestos. Since I rarely agree with you, it often happens. You portray me
as some maniac, aren't even close to right, make claims about "appeals to
authority" and other inanities, then resort to name calling while still daring
to portray yourself as a neutral commenter without bias. Rinse and repeat...

Back to the topic(!!). Arod's habitual PED use is NOT the sole, or even
primary, reason his number isn't hanging in the rafters in NY. I certainly
haven't alleged it. He is a serial offender in numerous ways that alienate any
person from any organization, in this case fans of that organization too, for a
timespan of 12 years. He's essentially written the book on how to make a
group of people who were destined to admire him, despise him instead- and
he can't stop even in retirement. The results are in- he's not up there, and
does not merit it. He's wealthy, he's famous, and he's not respected. THAT is
his own fault and it's under his skin. Move on.

Trent King
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