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Old 11-30-2023, 11:21 AM
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Dardevl Dardevl is offline
Der.on Dix.on
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Posts: 99

I reviewed the faces as well, and for the reasons you mentioned, a positive ID would be challenging, unless a match was blatantly obvious. I think that Neal Ball has a similar facial structure (of the players pictured), but as I stated earlier, I am not good with faces. And in this scenario, ultimately the question is: Is it Cobb?

This can be accomplished in two ways; By positively IDing the player who is sliding, or by finding enough within the available image to confidently say that it is NOT Cobb.

I think that with the context of the location confirmed to be Bennett Park combined with the fact that the 3rd baseman's uniform matches a Tigers' uniform of the era, the likelihood of it being Cobb are diminishing. And the ultimate conclusion is that it's not from Addie Joss Day, a heavy multiplier in the potential price realized.

I do appreciate your input and engagement.
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