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Old 01-18-2024, 01:50 PM
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Originally Posted by steve B View Post
Go look at his videos.
Removing gunk is ok, not sure just what his formula is, but I'd be concerned about how it affects things long term.

But the fixing creases, corner dings edge dents... no, that's not ok.
One pic on his site shows a 74 Topps with at least one entirely rebuilt corner.
Taking a card with a bent up corner and pushing it back down flat is not making a "rebuilt corner". Rebuilding corners is something entirely different that requires making new card stock and adding it to the card. That's alteration and it's detectable. Let's not pretend that pushing down a bent up corner with your finger is the same thing. I'd wager every penny I've ever made that even YOU (and every single person in this entire hobby) has accidentally dinged a corner and tried to bend it back with their finger multiple times over the years.
If it's not perfectly centered, I probably don't want it.
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