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Old 03-04-2024, 08:26 AM
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Originally Posted by ser1979 View Post
Need some help from the group on value. I have the chance to buy this pennant and want to make sure I'm not overpaying due to my excitement. As someone who collects Tiger pennants I know how rare this pennant is but just need a reality check before I google " how to sell a vital organ", lol.
“Value” really is a tough call for pennants that don’t often surface. Both supply and demand is low. There really isn’t an established record of sales in order get an accurate estimate. Best you can do is make an educated guess based on similar pennants and taking into account the teams and how rabid their collectors are.

If this was in a pure eBay auction? I’d say $1200-1500. However it is worth noting that a couple years ago this sold for about $4400 in a Clean Sweep auction. But again, if that was due to two bidders bashing each other over the head, then a second pennant that surfaces would likely sell for a lot less.
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