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Old 03-11-2024, 11:17 AM
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brianp-beme brianp-beme is online now
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Leon is correct about the many ways to collect Zeenuts. Here are some with fun stuff written on the back.

top left: Give these to Cole - Dear Cole, here are your picturs
top right: Bob Brabo - Trab yoo for any other pictore
bottom left: This Zee-nut was got by Harold Hague and I am trying to see how far it will go
bottom right: BUG to-be-given-away-to-anybody who wants it


top left: A mediocre pitcher
top right: Man.(manager) Pitcher of Seattle - not much at either
center left: You are a big fool
center right: Meusel is nothing but a old flat lunch
bottom: A punk relief pitcher on the L.A. staff


And an appropriate final entry: Do not steal this card for fear the gallows will be your end (complete with drawing of unfortunate stick figure hanging from the gallows)

zeenut1911and1912stampandgrocerylistbacks 001.jpg

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