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Old 04-17-2024, 04:12 PM
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Originally Posted by skelly423 View Post
Is he not sharing because he's afraid it's going to feed the copycat operations, or is he not sharing because he knows it's snake oil and it'll tank his sales? Only Kurt knows for sure. I have my opinion, you have yours, we don't need to agree.
Your snake oil analogy still falls flat. Whether you approve of it or not, his card spray clearly works. Thus, it's not snake oil.

Originally Posted by skelly423 View Post
A million cards in slabs have have been worked on using his products!? I'd love to see anything resembling evidence to support this claim because it sure seems like you pulled a number out of thin air.
Jeremy Lee asked him how many cards he estimates have been submitted to the grading companies using his products. Kurt said based on the volume of products he ships and how many cards those products are capable of cleaning and 75-80% of those cards being sent in for grading that a conservative estimate would be ~30,000 cards per month are sent to the grading companies. I don't have access to his records, and I don't know what his growth rates are like, but he's been in business for several years now. One million cards in slabs is a fair estimate based on that data. 20k cards per month over 5 years would be 1.2 million cards. 30k cards per month over 5 years would be 1.8 million cards. 40k cards per month over 6 years would be 2.9 million cards. But even if it's just 15k cards per month over 5 years, that's still 900k cards.

Originally Posted by skelly423 View Post
Don't insult my intelligence by pretending I don't understand card restoration. I understand it well, I just don't buy the arguments that it's a good thing for the card collecting hobby. Considering the evidence and disagreeing with your position doesn't make me fearful or unintelligent.
I have no idea how much you've researched paper restoration techniques (although I suspect you're not as learned on the topic as you're leading on). But my point was more to the hobby in general. Most people know absolutely nothing about it.
If it's not perfectly centered, I probably don't want it.
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