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Old 04-17-2024, 04:28 PM
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Originally Posted by gunboat82 View Post
I would, yeah. You move the goalposts and build strawmen when you're defending card cleaning. In another thread, you defended Kurt's Card Care because it's "mostly distilled water," and then implied that people are being irrational because they're afraid of water:


Kurt made it abundantly clear in his interview that he's not using water. Yet instead of conceding that some people might be rationally opposed to mystery chemicals also being used on cards, you revert back to the arguments that (1) Water doesn't damage cards, and (2) Trust Kurt because he's an expert.

People have not been soaking cards in Kurt's for more than a century. There is not a long established history of soaking cards in Kurt's. We can't look to the history of soaking in water to predict with confidence what would happen to cards soaked in Kurt's mystery elixir.

This seems like an appeal to authority. We have to take your word for it that Kurt is a scholar who properly restores and preserves cards after careful research. When I watched his interview, I saw a guy who might be fun to grab a beer with, but not a master chemist who could confidently state that his product will never be detectable. His answer when asked whether someone could detect his work on a vintage card was equivocal and concerning.
Wow, talk about being disingenuous lol. Just go ahead and spit my words back out of your mouth next time if you're going to just going to take my words on topic A and pretend as though I said them about topic B in every talking point.
If it's not perfectly centered, I probably don't want it.
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