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Old 04-25-2024, 02:14 PM
Hankphenom Hankphenom is offline
Hank Thomas
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 2,599
Default Torque This

Here we go again! 85 MPH? Where'd you pull that out of? Cobb said the ball "hissed" as it went by, Crawford described it as a "swoosh." Sisler said in 1916 if Walter had been willing to put the first couple pitches under the batter's chin, nobody ever would have gotten close enough to the plate to get a hit off him. But gosh, imagine if today's pitching coaches had only been around to correct the flaws in his delivery, what an eight years he might have had before the TJ surgery failed and he was done! Go look at Johnson's stats and think that these were mostly put up in the small ball era, when giving up even one run might mean the ballgame, and that he never really had an outpitch. Fastballs, just fastballs, one after the other, see if you can hit it. Walter said that early on, a lot of people tried to get him to change his unique motion to a more conventional one, but he was striking out everyone in sight, so why should he?
Here's some torque for you:
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