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Old 04-29-2024, 05:20 PM
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Leon Leon is offline
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Thanks Hank. There are many others in my same situation or worse. And, you're correct, it was all good at the time and the money was well spent/invested. No regrets in those regards.
I remember chatting with you at the National when the collection was up for auction.
First world problems. No, I won't be a whale unless I win the lottery, which I don't play. Collecting on a budget is still fun...

Originally Posted by Hankphenom View Post
I know it's tough, Leon, but we (you and me) have to find a way to accept what has happened. As I recall, you were pretty happy with the haul your collection generated, and had great uses for it. You did so well for the time, and as the tritest of sayings goes, "it's only cardboard." I've said for years I would like to have back just about everything I've ever sold, and I think any of us would make that deal in a heartbeat. But it doesn't work that way, and we sold those things because we had good uses for the money. We're not the whales who can afford to choose the timing of all their buying and selling, but we've done well, grasshopper! You're such a nice guy, I hate to see you feeling badly about something that's been such a big part of your life, and I hope maybe this helps a little.
Leon Luckey
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