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Old 05-04-2024, 06:15 AM
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Originally Posted by ValKehl View Post
Don, I received these 4 slabbed cards back from SGC today. SGC labeled 3 of the 4 cards correctly, with the W501-1 of Sam Rice receiving a "3" grade (I carefully erased the "14" in pencil in the upper right corner before submitting the card). But sadly, SGC mislabeld my W501-2 card of WaJo as being a W575-1 card. Sigh!

What is especially frustrating is that I made every effort to ensure that SGC would correctly identify all four of these cards by putting a little piece of paper in the top loader with each of these four cards identifying the correct ACC # (W501-2 or W575-1) when I submitted them. And, all four of these cards are correctly identified on the invoice order form I received when I gave these cards to the SGC rep at the Chantilly Show on April 5th. I would have thought that if the SGC grader/researcher was going to disagree with my identification of a card I submitted, SGC would have contacted me to clarify this BEFORE slabbing the card! I have contacted SGC, and SGC has agreed that I may return the mislabeled card to be correctly relabeled.

I’m glad they are willing to correct their error.

I’d love to see the scans when you have them!
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