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Old 05-11-2024, 03:38 PM
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Dewey Dewey is offline
Join Date: Mar 2016
Posts: 754

My mother took my older brother to meet Steve Sax and left me at home. Thus leading me to chase cardboard encounters instead of real ones! It has left the older me with a bunch of junk wax, but my kid self enjoyed it so much.

I don't know how I found Net54 a decade ago, but I remember a post by TheCatsPajamas about press photos and that led me down a new road and it has been so fun and rewarding.

When I came across a 1920 Branch Rickey photo of him down in Texas for Spring Training, a trip that led to his development of the modern farm system, it captivated me to learn more about Rickey and his many innovations and developments from the farm system, to the integration of baseball, to the required use of helmets in 1953, to the development of analytics. The history and discoveries are what drew me to photography and Net54 has been the biggest influence by far. Such a wealth of information and cool people.

42 Collection: Jackie Robinson, Branch Rickey and the People Who Shaped the Story

Last edited by Dewey; 05-11-2024 at 03:41 PM.
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