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Old 08-02-2002, 12:02 PM
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Default Okay, help me understand this

Posted By: Dr.Koos

and to THIS DAY, there is NOBODY that I or anyone else know, or had come forward and stated, "_______ was done to that card, here's why". TRIMMING can DEFINITELY be ruled out as one of the possible procedures. The card is a LARGE example of a 52T high number. It measures, with a 1/64th inch ruler, EXACTLY to catalog specs, top to bottom, and side to side is 1/64th of an inch BIGGER than catalog specs (and this is if the measurement INCLUDES the width of the ruler's measuring lines themselves, NOT to just the inside). And it doesn't matter at which point you measure it, because the card is perfectly vertical and horizontal with no tilt to any edge (LOOK at the way it FILLS the holder, especially side to side). It could NOT have been stretched first, then cut, because the portraiture, the area of the photo framing's black lines are IDENTICAL when measured against a "control" G/VG Mantle (the one I auctioned over 1 year ago on Ebay with the broken corner due to a stuck scrapbook photo-corner mount). We can definitely rule out the card being trimmed in any way, shape or form.
Also, Remember last year when I auctioned that G/VG Mantle??? If my memory serves me correctly, 95% of the same people from the OLD message Board JUMPED ALL OVER ME. I was accused THEN of BREAKING THE CORNER OFF OF THE PRO MANTLE IN A DEMONIC EFFORT TO FOIST A RESTORED CARD ON SOMEONE. History sure does repeat itself. Was everyone right then?..... when they had me tried, convicted and ready for sentencing? How about now? I remember the posts, "The friggin' (tm@T-Bob) Pro Mantle is back!!!!", "Dr. Koos, what price is your soul?", "What can we do about that fraud..he broke the corner off the Pro Mantle to bounce it on some poor unsuspecting dolt". REMEMBER????? Or is everyone's memory as selective as their sense of reality? (Not in reference to you Bruce, just using your post as a jump off point).

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