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Old 08-13-2002, 05:17 PM
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Default This no longer a joke

Posted By: Dr.Koos

...Blow your own horn!! You've done more "horn-blowing" (no pun intended) on this Board than Dizzy Gillespie in his entire Savoy sessions! I was referring to when I placed the MM on Ebay TWO MONTHS AFTER I PURCHASED IT. I was under the assumption that it was GOOD, being professionally graded and all. After getting 100+ emails from Board members (of course only AFTER I WON IT, NOT JUST WHEN I WAS BIDDING ON IT) at that time 2.3 years ago when I FIRST auctioned it, saying that the card was FAKE, I LISTENED. I have already admitted that...get your facts straight. I believed for quite some time that the "BORED" members had "my best interests in mind" (yeah...that's a hoot!) and had told me the truth. I spoke out against the cards I bought as being altered with NO PROOF WHATSOEVER OF THEM BEING SO OTHER THAN RESIDENCE IN PRO HOLDERS (THERE'S a scientific reason!!!) because y'all railroaded and brainwashed me into believng your hogwash. Then, you taught me real good what the story REALLY was when y'all started in on the JAX. A card never MENTIONED in a Mastro auction. Face it..NOTHING in a Pro holder will ever satiate your bizarre beliefs and practices. NOTHING that I ever auction will sit well with you, whether PSAed, SGCed, or graded by GOD! I'm as convinced of that fact as much as I'm convinced that those graded cards are legit!!! Do you understand the chronology, Dan.

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