Thread: Buyer beware
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Old 01-15-2004, 07:24 PM
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Default Buyer beware

Posted By: Kenny Cole

I had a similar experience with a seller who stole scans of real cards and then sent fakes and have two suggestions.

First, DO NOT send the card back before you get a refund, which is what I suspect you will be asked to do. If you send the card back, you have lost by far the best evidence you have that you were swindled. Instead, put it and whatever it came in n in a plastic bag, and touch it as little as possible. The explanation will be that YOU switched the cards. However, that doesn't wash too well if the seller's finger prints are all over it.

Second, don't waste much time trying to get a refund from the guy because he'll play you for time. What I did was file a complaint with the internet fraud complaint center (IFCC). They will forward the pertinent information to the authorities where the seller lives and, hopefully, they will take some action. In my case, the seller was an ex-con who scammed several people. He was arrested, charged with several felonies, confessed, is sitting in jail, is getting his parole revoked, and gets to do 3-6 more years on my charge.

Go after his ass. There is waaaaaay to much of that sort of crap going on, and it needs to be stopped.

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