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Old 07-31-2005, 09:45 PM
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Default Tales From the Windy City

Posted By: tbob

First off I want to say that although prices were high and supplies of vintage cards low, the chance to finally meet so many of the great guys I have come to "know" from the Internet the past few years was well worth it. A notable exception to the dealers with high prices was Gary Nucherino who made discounts on already reasonable prices to 54 members. A great guy to boot. Scott B. made me a deal on the last day to finally get that elusive M116 Wagner and showed he was a heckuva guy also. Tim Newcomb and Mike Peisch spent the week with me (and sometimes my wife when she wasn't shopping, hitting museums or art galleries) and if you haven't met them, are two of the nicest guys around. Everyone I met from the 54 Board was a helluva nice guy from the young guys Bryan Long and Jim T. who were not only extremely cordial and tremendous to talk to but made me feel the hobby was in great hands once the older guys go to the tobacco card place in the sky to the only other Southerner there (Texans don't count) David Bryan, to Peter Thomas and his son, Robert S., Elliot, Paul Coffman, Scott Mosley with his smile and amazing E98s, best set ever anywhere, anyplace, anytime, Bill Cornell who I spent a lot of time with mulling over the hobby and who is as kind in person as he is online, Tim Sedlock, definitely the softest spoken guy there but also one of the nicest, Jim B., Wayne Justl, Rich, the Minnesota "twins" Jay and Lee who personify the truly modest, kind and just plain nice guys who come from that State, and the list goes on and on. I got to meet Doug Allen who I used to email on a regular basis 5 years ago but haven't hear from in a long time. Doug is another one as nice in person as he seems to be on line. The Hardemans are also wonderful folks and I am really glad I am a subscriber to Old Cardboard and I hope everyone here will give it a try. You couldn't ask for two nicer people to be involved in that labor of love. The inimitable Quan was there and so many others including Pete C. who I always liked online but is actually even more likeable in person (and a lot more mellow). I know I am leaving people out and apologize, the past week is a blur.
Finally, kudos to Leon for doing a terrific job on the dinner and just being Leon. You were the perfect man for the job Leon and carried it off admirably.
I probably met 30 collectors and 100% of them were "nice folks" as we say down here. Almost all the dealers were cordial and helpful with the usual one or two exceptions and we all know who they are.
I had a truly wonderful time and enjoyed Slugger's Bar, the Cubbies and Wrigley, the Second City comedy club, late night bull sessions at the Sofitel, Shoeless Joe's, just the whole experience. A wonderful time, thanks to everyone here for being so friendly.
P.S. Not only did I not get Jerri's autograph, I saw her in our hotel bar one night and was not that impressed, although I am sure she probably wasn't impressed by a middle aged card collector from Arkansas, either

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