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Old 05-26-2006, 03:04 PM
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Default What's the eBay etiquette for the seller

Posted By: E, Daniel

.....about low ball or "insulting" offers. As a seller, I want to hear from anyone who is interested in the item I am selling, and gauge their interest and offers. I always know what I will or won't take for the piece, so it's just so easy to tell people the story straight-up and see how much they want what I've got!
I also believe wholeheartedly (is that really how you spell it???) as a buyer in offering a "post-but not during-auction" amount that is whatever I feel I can afford, or might be reasonable for the item. Let us not forget, some sellers are living on completely different planets when it comes to evaluating the worth of their chattels!!!!

Ending an auction early as in just pulling it with some lame excuse listed?
I think that's just a punk thing to do.
I wouldn't accept it at an auction for any other item, whether it was a house, or a car, or at the liveried establishments like sothebys.
Want to add a BIN that works for you and an interested buyer, great. But In my opinion it should have to be viewable but not operational for 12 hours minimum (with a start time listed for 'BIN-ING') - so that any troller has the opportunity as well to take advantage of the change in auction rules.

But thats me, way too egalitarian for the USA I'm sure!!!


Edited to say:

OOoooh, I love my 12 hour BIN idea so much I've thought how to make it better,

So that not everyone snipes at the same second the BIN amount, the winning bid could be the highest over the BIN amount, in effect setting a new ending time for the auction with a minimum winning bid known by all.......kinda dutch and kinda straight ebay.....I like it, what do you all think?

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