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Old 10-02-2006, 10:30 PM
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Default Grimsley implicates Clemens in steroid/HGH case

Posted By: MINE'S MINT

brett - "You can't really say that they would have been in the HOF before, because they could have been using steroids for 70 % of their career for all we know."

well by using that theory.. any athlete since the advent of anabolic steroids is potentialy guilty of performing the same act..

people on this board have their doubts regarding these players due to recent performance and recent physical growth.. they are not based on their entire careers..

even you said "..its pretty "funny" that everyone's HR, RBI and AVG have gone up rediculously since 1998..".. so if we use 1998 as a rule of thumb of when steroids became a previalent part of baseball.. (as many tend to do).. bonds already had over 1200 rbi's, over 1300 runs, 411 hr's, closing in on his 2'000 hit while batting roughly .313.. an 8 time all star and 3 time MVP by the conclusion of the 1998 season.. not to mention the gold gloves .. this was all before anyone even suspected he was juiced.. before taking the single season home run crown and going from an athletic build to one of monsterous proportions.. he was without a doubt on his way to the HOF..

psa/dna authenticated signature -> Richard M.

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