Thread: Thanks Leon!
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Old 08-06-2007, 10:01 PM
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Default Thanks Leon!

Posted By: Bob

Paul- You asked if anyone became drunk and disorderly. That actually happened the next night when Don Larson (yes that Don Larson) and his buddy were at the Sheraton bar and a high school baseball coach who was torched went ballistic and there was almost a bar room brawl of major proportions. The funny thing was about 6 or 7 54ers just were so engrossed in their card talk they missed it (hard to miss someone screaming he is going to kick someone's MFing butt), but they did. I tried to be a peacemaker and get their attention diverted to the ball game on the tube but it got pretty nasty. My major concern was that JoAnn picked that time to come over and say hi and although I absolutely loved talking with her, if I seemed a tad distant JoAnn, it was because I wanted to make sure a Bud Light bottle didn't come flying through the air and accidentally miss its target and hit you!
When Larson and his buddy left, I was out smoking a cigarette and heard Larson tell his buddy not to worry, he'd take care of the drunk coach if he dared follow them. I cracked that I wished Lyman were there to get that picture of an 80 year old Don Larson cold cocking some drunk half his age, for the Old cardboard magazine. Lyman got a kick out of it

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