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Old 03-14-2008, 06:30 AM
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Default Collecting Budget

Posted By: LetsGoBucs

There is no doubt that people are spending less than they were three or four months ago.

The market for pre war cards is fairly thin so there are probably many examples of falling prices as a result of cutting back....and a few examples of strong prices especially for high grade/high visibility type cards.

I would slightly disagree that the economy is holding up well. In terms of all of our net worth's - it relation to the rest of the world it has now declined almost 50% since 2002 when the Euro/$ conversion was .82 and its now 1.56. All of our world's have become smaller as a result and our standard of living is gradually declining.

I was recently in Prague and a McD's value meal was actually more expensive in Prague than in USA. I can remember several years ago at the same McD's (I don't just eat at McD's but I do go there when I'm travelling and need to eat something I can be sure about ) when the meal was about 60% of the price of the same meal in the USA. That is not a result of a strong US economy - its a result of a weak economy and a bunch of weak politicians that continue to spend more than what we have, and we and our children will pay for their weakness.

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