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Old 06-17-2009, 01:08 PM
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Leon Leon is offline
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Default a better service

My impetus for this thread was to denote the ruining of our cardboard and photo gems, really by any company. It just so happens my only cards and autos with stickers are JSA, so they get the brunt of my rant. Any company that does this should be chastised, again imo.

Why can't the authenticating companies just say something like

" We can authenticate the xxxx piece but to get it certified forever you will need to have it encapsulated....and here are 3 choices to get that done...We aren't in the business to destroy cards or photos so we don't put silly stickers on them anymore" Would it really be that difficult? As I have already said I will still use JSA but the first time they destroy a piece I give them with one of these BS stickers is the last time I would submit to them. And no, of course I won't request for my item to be destroyed with said sticker.
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