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Old 08-14-2009, 09:27 AM
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cyseymour cyseymour is offline
Ja,mie B.
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 662


Thanks for your reply, and I understand you are going on vacation, but my response is that what you define as an oral contract, whether true or untrue, is unenforcable by law. If I agreed to buy a card from you, and I reneged on the deal, and you took me to court, you would have an incredibly hard time winning. You would have to prove fiscal damage created by my reneging on the deal, which would be incredibly hard to do considering that you still own the card. Reneging on an oral contract almost never holds up in civil court, if it makes it that far, and it is far different than a criminal offense such as stealing someone's property or internet scamming someone.

I also think that I can make an argument that all these threads nitpicking about annoying buyers actually adds too many names into the mix and distracts folks from focusing on the people who really HAVE stolen money or cards - those who are the real threat on the boards.

If you are going to use Net54 as a buying/selling arena, complete with a disciplinary process, then that process should be clearly stated so that participants understand the potential consequences of their actions ahead of time.

Also, where you get the 51% number who know Brian, I would really doubt that. There are 2000 members of this board, meaning that you are assuming that over 1000 people know who "Shammus" is when he posts. That would be pretty extraordinary. I am guessing that the number is closer to ten or fifteen percent. A poll would not be an accurate test because all his friends who read this thread would come rushing to his defense, and also because the people who populate the boards most frequently are most likely to know him.

Questions remain:

Did Brandon Brown know that he would be outed if he once again reneged on card deals?

Why are there not policies stating what happens in the case of stealing cards or money - or regarding how annoying behavior like reneging is dealt with?

You are dealing with some major privacy issues when outing someone like that, for minor offenses, as irritable as they may be. I hardly think that I am alone in my belief that people should be suspended or banned, but not outed, for repeated minor offenses. It should be reserved for people who are scamming or stealing. Otherwise, any disagreement could become a witch-hunt where the two parties race for the boards to get their thread in slandering the opposing party.

For the record, I have never bought nor sold anything on the B/S/T, nor plan to... eBay is looking more and more appealing every moment...

Last edited by cyseymour; 08-14-2009 at 09:33 AM.
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