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Old 08-21-2009, 09:46 PM
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Tyler Cox
Join Date: May 2009
Location: SWFL
Posts: 183
Default My 1st post ever

I made my first post about 4 years ago. It was in response to a Mathewson PC (either PC796 or PC805) that was being shown off in a "show off" thread. The famous image has Matty in a pitching pose, but his right arm covers the "N" of the "N.Y." I asked if the "Y" stood for Yale.
I knew he was a college guy, but at that time, I didn't know Bucknell from Buck Weaver. When I was corrected, I felt like an idiot, deservedly so, but it only made me want to learn more.

Since then I have learned so much about Matty and so many other HOF's, stars, characters, drunks, gamblers, etc. and I owe 100% of it to the people that contribute to this forum. Even the info I gather from other great sites and books all can be traced to this board.

I haven't posted much since that first "insert foot" moment about Matty and maybe that will change. Regardless, all you daily "postin' fools" remember... there are alot of us out here that appreciate all of your contributions.

I really have to bite my tongue when the Seinfeld references pop up, as I am quite a fan. Barry, feel free to correct any spelling or grammatical errors above...and...Do you know what Kramer's friend, Jay Reimenschneider, eats all the time? (I saw the episode today and couldn't resist, since this is us lurkers chance to "spew")

Thanks again to all for giving me something to do all day and to Leon for being the coolest moderator in history. See you in another 4 years.

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