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Old 12-22-2009, 08:01 PM
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Rob Miller
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Originally Posted by abrahamrudy View Post
Melky is a good player and he will succeed incredibly with the Braves. He always gives 110%, and the Yankees really gave up a great player to get an NL pitcher who hasn't had sustained success in the AL. I'm not really sure why they were willing to do that.
Melky is not a great player by any means. He is an above average 4th OFer and a way above average defensive outfielder. As far as his offense, you aren't going to see much more than he has already done. He can definitely get the big hit, but do you really think he is going to hie more than 275-280? Or more than 15-18 HR? I am not the biggest Vazquez fan, but I thought it was a great deal for us because he isn't going to be counted on to be the savior. He is probably the best 4th starter in baseball and with the Yankees offense his durability should net him at least 15 wins.

The Yanks took advantage of a great opportunity to improve their pitching depth by IMO giving up a marginal offensive OFer. Now hopefully they can re-sign Damon for 2 years to keep the Jeter-Damon 1-2 punch intact!
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