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Old 01-12-2010, 07:59 AM
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Chris Counts
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Bay Area, California
Posts: 1,680
Default Where were you when we needed you, Bud?

Like McGwire's concession that he used steroids, Bud Selig's statement comes just a little too late to take seriously. Why, again, is this man in charge of baseball? By the way, since he's boasting about how clean baseball is, I should point out that he makes no mention of the rapid proliferation among ballplayers of ADD drugs like ritalin. in 2007, 28 players received permission to use legal amphetamines, and by 2009, that number had increased to 106 ...

“I am pleased that Mark McGwire has confronted his use of performance-enhancing substances as a player. Being truthful is always the correct course of action, which is why I had commissioned Senator George Mitchell to conduct his investigation. This statement of contrition, I believe, will make Mark’s reentry into the game much smoother and easier.

“While we, along with all sports organizations, continue to battle the use of such drugs and continue the intensive search for a valid test for HGH, I believe our drug testing program is the toughest and most effective in professional sports. Last year in the Major Leagues, we had only two positives for steroids out of 3,722 tests. We have banned and aggressively test for amphetamines, substances which club doctors and professional athletic trainers have told me had presented serious problems for the sport for decades. Our minor league program will begin its 10th year in 2010. We conducted 8,995 tests in the minor leagues last year of which less than eight-tenths of one percent was positive.

“The use of steroids and amphetamines amongst today’s players has greatly subsided and is virtually nonexistent as our testing results have shown. The so-called “steroid era” – a reference that is resented by the many players who played in that era and never touched the substances – is clearly a thing of the past, and Mark’s admission today is another step in the right direction.”
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