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Old 05-21-2010, 02:43 PM
George Leidemer
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Maryland
Posts: 269
Default Auto opinion for this Mays and Aaron(2) please

Just wanted fellow members opinions. Part of a huge collection purchased years ago from a gentleman who collected autographs thru the mail in from the early 60's to mid 70's. Out of a 70 card submission for authentication, 5 autos failed....these three and both ted williams, everything else passed. I thought the Mays was good(just a playing days signature) and wasnt sure about the Aarons. Found it weird that the Aaron signatures from the same era seemed different on the Topps Giants card and the exhibit(removed from a scrap album from the collection).

Was it like these guys to have wife/helper sign for them thru the mail, anyone know the answer. All the other 64 Topps giants autos passed(roughly 15 of them).

Any help/opinions would be greatly appreciative
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