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Old 06-12-2010, 11:36 AM
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rdwyer rdwyer is offline
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Default Ne1 else notice? What would you do?

I feel that I lost money because the ones who were bidding thought it was over. Yes, maybe one or two caught on. But it's the ones who didn't, I lose there bids. I called 3 or 4 times to find out what was going on myself, and everyone I talked to said the same thing: "An auction is an auction", etc.

I felt that either they pull the auction, or they give up their commission or premium. Clay's response was to do business with someone else.

An auction is an auction if it's fair and done properly. I would try to please the seller if I had a problem with an auction I did.

cfc1909 wasn't the only one that blown off. The ones I spoke to said that everyone was calling in. (To complain)
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