Thread: RIP George
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Old 07-13-2010, 03:24 PM
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Default Poor Rob

Dear Rob D

Whilst your attempts at humor are amusing. We would certainly be willing to find identify others at the dinner. The restaurant was Jim McMullen's in Manhattan's Upper East- a celebrity hang out in the 1980;s- way above your
financial means and honkey presence.

If the other guests don't verify our story, we will send you
$10,000 and if they do, you will send us $10,000.

Since we do not trust you, or your evil perverted mind, we can put the money in escrow...and then we can let the whole Board know what a waste of air you are.

Keep firing arrows Rob, we will happy to carpet bomb you - nothing like watching hot air go up in smoke.

Bruce Dorskind
America's Toughest Want
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