Thread: RIP George
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Old 07-14-2010, 03:21 AM
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Default George Was A Good Guy... just didn't want to work for him (or maybe be a family member).

George attended the same college I did (Williams) and I met him once in Williamstown. In that environment he was just as approachable and friendly as any other alumnus.

I'll add to the positive stories that tbob and Steve related. A female classmate of mine was working in the New York area after graduation and was going to Florida to meet family for the Christmas holiday. Through some unfortunate circumstances she missed her flight, which happened to be last flight out for the evening. George was at the same airport and came upon her crying. After starting a conversation with her, when he found out she, too, was a Williams alum, George took her to Florida on his jet.

George had some good qualities. He just cared (some would argue he cared too much) about winning.
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