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Old 07-23-2010, 01:50 PM
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Leon Leon is online now
peasant/forum owner
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: near Dallas
Posts: 34,569
Default Welcome aboard

We are still getting about 60-70 new members per month. Now if we can just get them to post we will have it made . That being said if any member, old or new, would like to give a brief bio it would be great. I am not sure there is a better way to get to know folks. Also, we seem to really have some advanced dealers and collectors registering (you know who you are) and I hope they will join in and introduce themselves. I will make it easy with a short list of questions. Anyone can feel free to deviate from it if they would like to. Without further ado.....

1. Name- Leon Luckey

2. Age- 48 and trying not to hold....
2b. Years in hobby- 14

3. Occupation- technology sales to large corporations

4. Collector/dealer focus (it's ok to be a dealer on this board )- Pre-WWII Type collector/auctioneer/moderator/

5. family- wife and 13(going on 21) yr old girl

6. How long on Net54?- started posting in about '99 on this board's predecessor

7- Going to the National this year? Yes (Wed-Sun)
Leon Luckey

Last edited by Leon; 07-24-2010 at 09:26 AM.
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