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Old 09-03-2010, 11:50 AM
GoSoxBoSox GoSoxBoSox is offline
Tom Papa
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: New Jersey
Posts: 106
Default High BINs

I think some are a little unfair at judging peoples seemingly high prices. You have no idea why some prices are so high so you shouldn't assume it's about profit. In many cases prices that are x3-4 market value on eBay is strictly because the market value has changed drastically in the last 2 years.

For example, in December of 2008 I won an 1887 N175 Ezra Sutton in PSA 2MK condition in an eBay auction (not a BIN purchase).

I listed it on eBay about 6 months ago at $950 with an autodecline for anything less than $900. When you figure that I have to pay eBay and paypal fee's I would lose money at $900 if it sold. No big deal though. The highest bid I got was $525. So I bet in that case people must have thought my price was ridiculous. Was it? This same story can be true for any card listed on eBat. Not just the rare cards.

Most of my BINs are the same story. Not all of them, but many of them. The market is way down so many prices on eBay that seem high reflect the same issue. Plus, you need to sell a card for ~15% more than you bought it for just to break even and VCP doesn't show that.

The shame of it all is that anyone in this position on a card may not ever recoup their investment.
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