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Old 09-22-2010, 01:19 PM
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celoknob celoknob is online now
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Because of the recent investigations, there needs to be more assurance that revenue sharing money goes into at least trying to produce good teams.
With that said and the examples that some small market teams have had some success--the Twins for instance--there are still problems.

The Twins were somehow able to sign Joe Mauer longterm, maybe because they knew attendance would be high with the new stadium. However, most small market teams cannot keep their superstars. I am a Reds fan. I know that as soon as Votto is a free agent he will likely go to one of the handful of teams that can afford him. That really takes away from enjoying the game and the loyalty that goes with it.

I fully understand that small market teams will always have a disadvantage but it stinks when these teams cannot at least hold on to their superstars that developed through their own systems. These are the players that kids associate with their teams. Yes, there is always new talent coming up but I don't like all the established stars gravitating to 5 or 6 teams.
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