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Old 11-07-2010, 06:11 AM
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thekingofclout thekingofclout is offline
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Originally Posted by hcv123 View Post
So I buy this pin in an auction ~10 years ago. I ask everyone I know including most of the major "oddball" guys and no one has seen it. It looks too good, too professional and too different to be a countereit or newer knockoff. Over the years I find about 5 more - different players similar style. Last year I did a post here that led to someone contacting me with a letter from a guy who supposedly knew the source of the pins. He shares in his letter that the guy who photographed them, the guys brother and nephew were all photographers and the original negatives supposedly still exist. Out of respect for the family he does not mention his name. From the rest of the background information I am able to take a stab at who the nephew is - currently a professional photographer. I call him and after getting just past the idea that I must be a whacko calling him out of the blue and asking about his uncles work, he confirms his uncle took the photos, the pins were never publicly issued - just a few to friends, he still has the negatives and has no interest in speaking to me ever again :-) I was so excited to finally know the pins origin, I had a smile on my face for a couple of days. I still can't imagine what the guy must have thought about my call - even after I explained that I am a collector.

That's a great story Howard. Now you got me wondering who the photographer was. And what a terrific image that is of the Great One.
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